I sent some notes to the Placeopedia team. Placeopedia is a service connecting Wikipedia pages with their locations on the map.
Tarjei was experiencing problems with MidCOM’s cache system:
Donald Smith writes:
It seems Apple’s iSync and Sony-Ericsson phones are having a severe synchronization problem this month. Rambo had an alarming story:
Chris Shiflett has a list of Mac OS X Annoyances:
With these two recent conference invitations, it looks like the spring will be extremely busy.
Web Design from Scratch has a pretty good analysis of the current style in web design:
There is a new Joel on Software post about calendars. Lets see how the OpenPsa 2 calendar fares with his feature requirements:
Since completing MidCOM’s PEAR 1.4 packaging the main remaining issue of making MidCOM installation user-friendly has been setting up a channel. This is now done, and MidCOM 2.5 can be installed in the following way:
I had the Nokia 770 web browser device waiting on my desk as I returned from South Africa. 770 is a nice, small, Linux-powered internet appliance that is able to utilize either a WLAN connection, or mobile phone’s connection via Bluetooth.