Inspired by a talk in FrOSCon on Sunday, I went and implemented OpenID support into Midgard on the flight back. OpenID is a quite cool system for cross-site single sign-on and auto-registration. With OpenID your user identity is tied to a web address you control, for example Every time I want to log in to an OpenID-enabled website, that...
Greg Stein, of WebDAV, SVN and ASF fame, got violently mugged last Friday in Mountain View: They gave Greg a black eye and a serious laceration to the head which required numerous stiches. Apparently, he was bleeding profusely when the ambulance came. The doctors were worried about his head wound and he spent the entire night under observation and went...
I’ve noticed this is something I end up showing to people in every conference, and therefore probably makes sense to blog it.
I’ve been working on determining relevancy of news items recently. Something similar can be done to photos using the various metrics Flickr provides for interestingness, and not surprisingly, there is a service that enables you to do exactly this: Dopiaza’s Flickr Set Manager.
MidCOM is the PHP-level framework of Midgard CMS. With its nearly 500K lines of code, it every now and then is good to sit down and focus on performance optimization.
Today has been a big day for not only was the Maemo Community Calendar released for beta testing, but we also launched the new Social News section on the site. Social news is an area where users can easily with one glance see all interesting things happening at the moment in the maemo world.
My good friend Skoll recently wrote of the motorcycling life:
Asgard is the new administrative interface being built for Midgard. The main objective is to get rid of the legacies of Aegir and SpiderAdmin by replacing them with a smart system that auto-generates admin UIs for all installed MgdSchema types. But small improvements also count, and so we decided to deploy CodePress for code editing: