I’ve written about Decoupled Content Management before. As the Symfony Live event in Paris is nearing, I thought to give Symfony CMF a spin. Symfony CMF is a new approach at building PHP content management systems, and adheres quite well to the principles of decoupled CMS:
Great post by John Lilly discussing why PC will be the truck:
Michael Mace has a very interesting review of Windows 8. As whole it is a good read for anybody interested in where this whole modern computing thing is going. But this part specifically caught my interest:
Welcome to the latest iteration of my blog! I recently realized that I’ve been blogging since 1997, but actual visual or technical updates have been a lot more seldom.
Update: since April 2014, Heroku’s default PHP environment has supported Composer out of the box.
It seems the idea of Decoupling Content Management is gaining momentum. On the user interface side, many projects have already adopted the VIE interaction framework and widgets from Create, and in the content repository space projects like PHPCR move forward and there are also interesting new ideas like Apache Oak. While much of this has been made possible by the...
I seem to have not blogged about this, but Open Advice, our book on Free and Open Source Software: what we wish we had known when we started, was published last month. The book was edited by Lydia Pintscher and includes essays from 42 authors, many of whom you'll recognize if you tend to go to FOSS conferences. The LWN...
It is again time to write an update on the state of IKS's two main components for the semantic editing part of Decoupled Content Management: VIE is the base semantic interaction library that handles the site's content model through RDFa annotations and Backbone.js synchronization Create is a new kind of web editing interface built on top of that. As the...
I build software for a living. This means creating the new generation of Content Management interfaces in the IKS Project and developing custom client applications at Nemein. As my office is where my laptop is, none of this work is particularly tied to a physical location. And as much of the work is communicating, I end up spending quite a...
As you probably know, we at IKS have been working to decoupled content management through semantic technologies. CreateJS, together with the VIE library provide the user-facing part of this approach.