This is the page 92 of 113 of the blog archive. On this page you have articles from 29 Nov 2004 to 10 Nov 2004.

Filesystem-enabled MidCOM-template now available

Testing the new filesystem-enabled version of MidCOM is now easier than ever, with the new forked and fs-enabled version of midcom-template: Get fs-midcom from CVS Install the new fs-enabled midcom-template from CVS Install fs-midcom under /usr/share/pear/midcom Note: you can change this path from /midcom-admin/settings Symlink the static directory to your DocumentRoot. For example: ln -s /usr/share/pear/midcom/static /var/websites/www.ruutukuningatar.net_80/html-data/midcom-static ...and you're done....

F.U.D. trailer available

The trailer of the Wyona Pictures movie F.U.D. - Fear Uncertainty Doubt documenting the Open Source community is now available. A BitTorrent client is needed for downloading.

Franchising as Growth Model for Open Source Business

Open Source business is a services industry. As in all service industries, the big question is the standard investor question of "How do you make money while you sleep?"We've been thinking about this for a while, considering different growth strategies. One model that would seem very viable is franchising. According to WikiPedia: Franchising is a method of doing business wherein...

Weekend in Ukraine

We spent last weekend in Lviv (Львів, Lwow, Löwenburg, Leopolis), Ukraine together with Taya from Georgia and Nata, Ania and Monika from Poland. I had seen them last time in Caucasus, and the reunion was very nice. We also got to do some business planning regarding bringing Midgard to the Georgian market. Lviv is a former Polish city given to...

Project GNOMEgard

Session notes from Linköping Midgard Gathering by Henri Kaukola. The problem of the Open Source desktop systems is that they are designed only for one user per time. There's very little information sharing. Integration between server software and desktop world is the key to Open Source world domination. Document management system must support WebDAVNews pages must provide RSS syndication and...

Why do we need MgdSchema?

MgdSchema is the new way for defining Midgard's object types in XML being worked on by Piotras. So, why are we sponsoring this development? Here are some blue-sky points brainstormed in our hostel during the first evening of the Linköping gathering:

The connected gathering

We're now in the Midgard Gathering in Linköping. Since Sweden has been too far for many Midgard community members, we're trying to make the event as connected as possible. So far it is possible to follow the event live from two web cams: The web cams are available here and here. To see the image log in as guest/guest. In...

Some MgdSchema notes

Here are quick notes from today's MgdSchema discussions with Piotras. The idea is to define Midgard objects in XML the same way as Repligard doesCurrent status of MgdSchema is an app that parses the schema and displays it as debug infoThe object definitions will be reloaded every time Midgard is startedMgdSchema will provide the object types as GObjectsThe GObjects are...

New look at NemeinQuiz

NemeinQuiz is an online exam tool originally developed for Pharmaceutical Information Centre for their pharmaceutical sales courses. We published the package as Open Source with some quick setup instructions. While setting up a Midgard-powered site for the Student Union of Helsinki School of Economics (KY), I decided to take another look at NemeinQuiz to see how well it would integrate...

Talking points for the Midgard Gathering

On thursday afternoon the Nemein team together with Edi from Dialogi will pack into Rambo's Land Rover and take the Midgard-powered ferry to the Midgard Gathering in Linköping, Sweden. The meeting agenda has been available for a while now. To complement it, here is my list of talking points: MgdSchema is the new object abstraction back-end for Midgard proposed by...