This is the page 78 of 113 of the blog archive. On this page you have articles from 16 Dec 2005 to 07 Dec 2005.

Looking at the PHP workflow options

We have recently been contracted to develop a new workflow engine on top of OpenPsa to support different pharmacovigilance and drug regulatory processes from the viewpoint of a drug manufacturer.

EFFI on the Black December of Digital Rights

Kai Puolamäki from Electronic Frontier Finland (EFFI) has a very good blog post in Finnish summarizing the recent developments in digital rights:

PEAR packager tries to be too smart

When trying to PEAR-package MidCOM components with our new pear-package.php utility I ran into this error message:

Midgard's new style engine

As a way to resolve the style engine dispute in the Midgard community, I asked Jukka to arbitrate. He posted his proposal for the Midgard Style Engine V2.0 yesterday, and after a bit of discussion it entered mRFC process. The proposal was accepted today with 7 +1 votes from the developers.

Web trends for 2006

It is December now, and my RSS reader is filling up with predictions for the year 2006. Here are snippets from some good ones: