Here's a quick list:OpenPSA CalendarHide starting and ending hours for multi-day events of the start/end date is not the one being displayedDifferentiate events that allow overlapping from regular events in some way (for example, blue instead of red bar in the week view)OpenPSA SalesCountry and state/region are missing from Campaign CSV exportsAdd option to display persons that have been removed...
We went there in 2001 to attend the bull run festival held there every July. It was odd to see from Rodrigo's photos how empty and sleepy the city looks like outside the San Fermin festival. Our interrail trip through Europe to the festival was one of the really good ones. We slept mostly in parks, and had lots of...
Here is the interview in English:WebDevMagazine: Can you tell me ore about OSCOM. What is the organization aim?OSCOM has two purposes, marketing and technical. On the marketing side, we aim to raise the public awareness in the availability and feasibility of Open Source Content Management Systems. This is what our first conferences focused on, and the reason why we maintain...
The Sailor's pub, situated in the trendy Herttoniemenranta suburb was a very good choice. We were able to sit in sunshine and watch the boats in the harbour, while enjoying our H.Uppmanns. Before going to the pub I also got to see my friend's new Fabarm shotgun.After the pub visit there was time for cruising leisurely in the suburbs. I...
There were some issues with getting the yamp Perl plugins to work with our UTF-8 encoded development database, but from now commits should work fine.
With the label element, forms would look like:<form method="POST"> <label for="firstname">First name</label> <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" /></form> This would make the connection between a field and its label machine-readable, enabling easier handling for accessibility purposes. Also, this mark-up would be slightly lighter to download that the current <div /> solution. Thanks to Nico for the suggestion. Label HTML Guide:...
This would make building any kinds of web stores or shopping carts require a patent license.I guess European Union has decided to move Internet back to stone age, then. Competitiveness with American software business, indeed.It is still not too late to do something.
Work done today:Creating the OpenPSA project website at www.openpsa.orgSetting up new, clean development database with Nemein.Net nightly build and SpiderAdminMoving localization libraries from under NemeinLocalization to their correct module snippetdirsSwitching old Evaluation Key system into Testimonials registration systemSetting up the OpenPSA project at TigrisStarted collecting beta participantsTODOs for tomorrow:Change all instances of Nemein.Net to OpenPSA in the applicationMake first CVS...
It has to be said that Daniel's team has made amazing progress with the administrative interface. The new UI looks very slick, and Tony Lee's logo design fits it very well.The user interface is also using our NemeinLocalization library. As soon as the language strings are included in the build I will translate them to Finnish.In addition to translations, the...
Despite its critics, knowledge management (KM) has not been over-promised; rather, vendors have under-delivered. Blogs can address the gap between KM promise and requirements by letting local expertise emerge. Heres a good background on blogs and how Lucent is using them in KM. Updated 2004-04-15: Oops, the guidelines were not actually from AMA. Instead, they were response to AMA's instructions...