Preparatory posting for OSCOM 3 regarding inter-CMS cooperation.
Discussing on how Open Source software might still amount to similar customer lock-in as proprietary systems
Essay introducing the key advantages of the MidCOM platform.
Freshmeat has an interesting editorial titled Too Much Free Software dealing with lack of standardization and “not invented here” syndrome in the Free Software / Open Source community causing appearance of multiple versions of same software.
SaM Solutions and Nemein added NTLM Single Sign-on support to mod_midgard I’ve finally added NTLMSSP over HTTP support to mod_midgard (preparser) in CVS. It is pretty isolated from other code but you need to recompile libmidgard/mod_midgard/php module as server config struct in apache.h was changed to include NTLMSSP-related configuration. You need to do it only if you will use libmidgard/mod-preparser...
There is a thread on Midgard user list about tuning Midgard to support over 100,000 page views per day.
OSCOM is an international, not-for-profit organization dedicated to Open Source Content Management. The goal of the organization is to bring together as many great brains as possible to build a network and grow the community of open source content management.
The next day was Thursday 25th. We started from the camping site towards Frankfurt where we were supposed to meet Juha, Jenni and Timo. The weather was sunny with some clouds here and there. As our goal for the day was to reach Frankfurt as soon as possible, we rode most of the way on autobahn. Lane splitting through the...
Skoll awoke briskly in the morning and started the day by calling to an Ural service station in Wehr, Germany. We heared that it’s OK to bring the bike there so our target for the day was set. Also Bergie woke eventually to a call from the Italian Midgardians. We had a small breakfast with the last Switch franks we...
The day started like just another day. The sky was somewhat cloudy, but cleared up soon. We had a breakfast at the hotel and started our trip towards Bourg-St. Maurice. I have a feeling I’m starting to repeat myself, but once again the roads were a joy to ride and the landscapes truely beautiful. And even if you are getting...