NoFlo coverage in August 2013

August was a big month for NoFlo. We launched the Kickstarter campaign, which went from 0 to 90% inside the month. The Kickstarter has brought quite a lot of attention to Flow-Based Programming, including lots of interesting new NoFlo contributions. There has also been quite a lot of media coverage, and I thought to collect these into one place. To get a more real-time view to things as they’re posted, make sure to follow NoFlo on Twitter, Google+, or Facebook.
I’ve probably missed some stories. If you know a NoFlo story that isn’t listed here, please add it to the comments of this post.
Press stories
- TechCrunch: NoFlo Launches Kickstarter Campaign To Help Everyone To Understand And Visualize Code
- Fast Company: How An Arcane Coding Method From 1970s Banking Software Could Save The Sanity Of Web Developers Everywhere
- GigaOm: NoFlo turns to Kickstarter to expand program to help non-techies read code
- Android Authority: NoFlo is set to change the way programming works, but not acts.
- AllThingsD: How NoFlo Aims to Make Building Software Easier
- Software Development Times: NoFlo moves flow-based programming into JavaScript
- Dr. Dobb’s: NoFlo Champions Flow-Based Programming
- InfoQ: NoFlo Aims to Enable Visual Flow-Based JavaScript Programming with Kickstarter Funding
Other coverage
- Geeky Gadgets: NoFlo Development Environment Visualises Code
- Behance: NoFlo Environment UI
- Art&Logic: Go With the Flow?
- Eventually Consistent: Messaging as a programming model – Revisited
- The Gadget Addicts: Kickstarter Of The Month: NoFlo Development Environment
- Modeling Languages: NoFlo: Code-generation project in Kickstarter – A first
- I Programmer: NoFlo Kickstarter For Easy Programming
- DailyJS: NoFlo, Peppy
- Robert Scoble: Programmers: Check Out @noFlo Here Is Audio About New Visual Environment And Framework
But even with all this coverage, it was probably Vinod Khosla who said it best:
An author can write a book, a musician a song, a painter a painting. Most UI designers cannot realize their creation
— Vinod Khosla (@vkhosla) August 7, 2013
International coverage
- Finnish: Suomalaisten ideoima NoFlo keräsi päivässä 45 000 dollaria - tavoitteena mullistaa ohjelmistokehitys
- Brazilian Portuguese: Plataforma inteligente ajuda leigos a programar
- Turkish: Akış tabanlı programlama platformu NoFlo, Kickstarter kampanyasını başlattı
- Chinese: NoFlo的目标:借助Kickstarter基金实现基于流的JavaScript可视化编程
- Japanese: NoFloでFlow-based programmingを試してみる
- German: Messaging als Programmiermodell
- German: Flow-basierte JS-Entwicklung: NoFlo erreicht Kickstarter-Ziel
- Henri Bergius: The origins of NoFlo, interview with its creator
- Henri Bergius: Introduction to Flow-Based Programming and NoFlo (SFJS)
- Henri Bergius: Introduction to Flow-Based Programming and NoFlo (c-base)
Even with this amount of coverage, the job is of course far from done. We have 12 days to get over the 100% limit on Kickstarter to be able to move forward with the UI, and we’ll need help on that from all of you. So please support the Kickstarter campaign and spread the word about it!