Midgard Gathering 2009 in Linköping

As is customary, Midgardians are again meeting in Linköping, Sweden. This time most of the focus is on Midgard 9.03 "Vinland" familiarization, and discussing what shall be done for 9.09.
So far discussed:
- New XML-based element inclusion syntax <mgd:include />
- Moving MidCOM3 administrative tools behind a mgd: URL namespace
- Implementing database views in MgdSchema API
- Initializing Midgard database in stand-alone Python applications
- Using git and SVN repositories for Midgard package management
- Generating POT files from i18n calls in MidCOM's controllers and TAL templates
- Moving MidCOM toolbar generation to use Neutron-like introspection API
- Renaming MidCOM to "Midgard MVC framework"
- Naming Midgard 9.09 ("Vinland+1") Mjolnir, the hammer of Thor
Good stuff. Some discussions are happening in #midgard on Qaiku. Solt has posted some pictures.
See also Linköping Gatherings from 2008, 2007, 2005 and 2004.