Second day of OSCOM 4


After bit of thinking I decided that a session on MidCOM - Midgard's Component Framework for PHP would be a good match for the technical crowd here.Because of this most of my has been spent on setting up latest MidCOM on my iBook, tweaking my South AfricanMidgard training slides in SlideML to fit this conference, and marveling how slow the iBook is for running a full-blown CMS.
My session will be tomorrow at 9:15 in room E1.2 in the ETH main building.

In addition I gave a 20 minute interview for the Open Source community related movie Michael Wechner is working on. Quote from there:

[Finnish culture promotes collaboration and Open Source because] Finland is a cold country. If we didn't work together we would all freeze to death and get eaten by polar bears.

Some stuff from today's discussions:

  • JSR-170 is an API for Java that aims to standardize how CMSs store their content into a repository. There is also a PHP port under construction
  • I installed Webalizer to OSCOM's web server today, and the access statistics are abysmal. How could we get CMS projects to link to OSCOM?
  • Chregu has promised to upgrade Planet OSCOM from net.nemein.rss to the same software that drives Planet PHP
  • has an active community of thousands of people who are not programmers but instead market OOo actively. For them being involved is the reward. Spread Firefox also is a good example of that
  • There is now first draft of mRFC 0008, the time-based releases proposal for Midgard

The planned Town Hall on Open Source and Ethical Capitalism with Kit Blake and Michael Wechner got rasmussed by the very interesting panel on open innovation.

In the evening there will be the conference dinner in Les Halles. We also planned a meeting about CSS namespacing with Thorsten, but this didn't happen because of all other discussion going on.


Amusing note: Everybody starts their first conversation with me by saying "I've read about your motorcycle adventures in your blog". :-)

Read more Decoupled CMS posts.