Midgard Gathering 2008

The second Midgard Gathering of 2008 is this weekend in Otaniemi, Espoo. Happened so far:
- Sebastian Bergmann gave us a training session on PHP software testing, as as result we now have over 1000 unit tests for the MgdSchema API for PHP. We also looked at Selenium for acceptance testing and deployed a continuous integration server for MidCOM 3 development
- We gave my Midgard replication talk and Tero's PHP-Python signaling workshop from FSCONS
- Then we discussed new UI and visual guidelines for Midgard 2
- ...and hacked new MidCOM 3 features like component inheritance
- Solt and Piotras started working on getting Midgard to compile on Windows
- In the evening was TKY's 136th anniversary party, and sauna evening at the Midgard Gathering facilities
- Saturday started with waking up the various Midgardians sleeping in OK20
- Alexander gave a presentation on how Midgard's internals could be ported from straight C into Vala
- We discussed reorganizing Midgard's documentation and appointed Solt and Neithan to be in charge of it. I expect to see lots of documentation-related bugs in Trac
- Split in MidCOM between "core" and "contrib" components was clarified and we made an updated list of core components and discussed some components we hope to promote to core soon
- Midgard 9.03 feature list is now decided. With 9.03 we will focus on the persistent storage and MVC layers of Midgard, and plan to add the CMS features on the application level around 9.09
- Rambo, in his role as a VCS Tyrant started reorganizing Midgard's SVN
- We started planning a foundation to govern the Midgard project. This will not be a big thing like Mozilla and GNOME foundations, but mostly a practical instrument for handling copyrights and Midgard Gathering arrangements
- In the evening we went to Kaisla for some beers to celebrate the fact that Midgard actually did compile (though not run) on Windows
Some pictures on Flickr.