Midgard developers in Linköping

Last weekend a group of European Midgard developers gathered to Linköping, Sweden for the Midgard developer meeting of winter 2008. Over the last four years Linköping seems to have established itself as the place to hold the winter meeting, with summer meetings differing in place. In 2006 we went to Poznan, Poland and in 2007 to Otaniemi, Finland.
The meeting was very productive, possibly partly due to the fact that "penkkari cruises" forced the Finnish crew to take a cargo ship over instead of a cruise ship.
Topics discussed over the weekend included:
- MidCOM 3 architecture
- Signals and DBUS
- midgard-python and midgard-ruby, and possible interaction between them using CTDB
- Ajatus
- midgard_collector and SQL joins
In addition to talk, the meeting was also quite full of action. MidCOM 2.8 went stable, and the foundation stones for a working MidCOM 3 were laid. And it is fast! Running the full framework with TAL templating included, but without any caching on a news folder containing over 700 unique items generates the ready page in about 0.01 seconds. Not bad!
MidCOM 3 is now being developed in a separate Git repository, and should be considered still very experimental. However, as soon as some metadata features, the toolbar and datamanager are in it should be OK to start porting components over.
Thanks to anykey and the SmallOne household for the hosting!