Why are we going to EclipseCon

There is a post on Tapestry plug-in weblog analyzing the participants of the EclipseCon Open Source Pavilion. The post is a bit doubtful on Midgard’s participation:
On surface this is a -1, irrelavent. But, looking deeper they are a showcase for the PHPEclipse plug-in. +1
Of course Midgard as a C and PHP project doesn’t directly have anything to do with Eclipse. However, there are several points where the two connect and those are something I wish to demonstrate there:
- PhpEclipse is the default development tool for building MidCOM components
- Midgard supports the Java Content Repository standard and so could be manageable using the Eclipse JCR plug-ins
- OpenPsa, the Midgard ERP package is getting integrated with Digital Business Ecosystem and DBE Studio for Eclipse
In the other news, somebody in the event will be lucky enough to win a cool Midgard messenger bag designed by Tony Lee