Thinking about GUADEC

This year’s GUADEC will be held in Catalonia on Jun 24th - 30th. We’ve left a proposal with Tuomas, so I hope I will be able to attend.
Summary: Web applications, collaboration, information accessible from different devices. How could we integrate web based tools better with our desktop?
I was talking about Open Source Content Management in the Dublin GUADEC and was already trying to get people interested in these things. If Open Source is to succeed, we need integration between collaborative server systems and desktop applications.
Updated 2006-04-19: Our talk has been scheduled for Tuesday June 27th in the preliminary schedule, but it also says:
BEING LISTED HERE DOESN’T IMPLY THAT A SESSION IS ACCEPTED, nor that it will be held the day it has been placed.
Updated 2006-05-05: Our talk has been approved!