
cover image for PlazeCamp

I’ve spent today in the Plazes headquarters in Berlin attending the PlazeCamp developer event. Plazes is a social website that connects WiFi networks with geographical positioning and can be used for event coordination and as a location source for various services.


In the event we third party developers got introduced to the new restful Plazes API and were able to showcase our Plazes-integrated apps. These included:

  • MaemoPlazer - the Plazes client for Nokia's internet tablets
  • Plazes OS X Dashboard widget
  • Mobile and Wii-optimized web UIs for Plazes
  • Symbian application for positioning via all visible WiFi base stations without connecting to them
  • Midgard's Plazes integration for automated geospatial metadata

In addition to the official program there has been some quite interesting talk about ubiquitous technology, Ajax, RFID and geoprivacy. It has been very refreshing to spend a day in code after two days of hammering down European open source business collaboration details.

2008-01-21: There is a quite good PlazeCamp wrap-up on Four Starters.

Technorati Tags: plazes, plazecamp