Minor development setback

Our development server just died today. This will mean all OpenPsa development is stalled until Rambo gets the new hard drive and Debian installed.
This will mean some delays in Campaigns component development, as we have to rebuild the testing environment. Luckily all relevant code was in CVS. Lesson from this is: “Commit early, commit often”.
Updated 11:20: It seems the problem is actually with the motherboard, so we’re off to get a new box. From #midgard:
rambo is just about ready to burn the devel box in a big thermite fire
(Ed. note: Rambo is a licensed pyrotechnician, and really does things like thermite fires as a hobby.)
Updated 2005-08-05 12:35: All systems are finally go, and the full development and testing environment is operational. Balance is that we lost slightly over a working day in the crash.