Midgard2 Content Repository library is now in Debian

This should be great news for developers who want to work with a content repository: Midgard2 just landed to Debian unstable. Note that it is not the classic Midgard CMS what we're talking about here, but instead the content repository / ORM library that the CMS is built on.
Midgard2 is a content repository library written on top of the GNOME stack: we use D-Bus for signaling, libgda for connecting to different databases, and GObject Introspection for providing APIs to multiple programming languages. This means the same content repository, and the same data is accessible from languages like C, C#, Python, Vala and Javascript.
When you use a content repository you can work with objects and methods instead of tables and queries. Midgard2 also provides replication services for keeping your data in sync across different machines.
In addition to Debian, the Midgard2 library has been available for a while from Maemo 5 Downloads, managing content in the mobile phones of tens of thousands of users.