How successful is N800?

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As a Maemo application developer, I of course wonder how many N800 or 770 internet tablets are out there. Nokia hasn’t released any figures as far as I know, but looking at Amazon’s Computers & PC Hardware top sellers, it seems that at least N800 is selling well. Today it was on sixth place, behind some different MacBook and Toshiba Satellite iterations:


Advertisements for N800 also seem to be popping up quite frequently both online and in magazines, so it seems Nokia is really pushing this product. However, I have yet to see somebody outside our small geek circle using the device in public.

Updated 2007-04-02: During the weekend I saw somebody browsing the web with a N800 in the Night Visions film festival, this being the first time I see somebody I don’t know just using the device in public.

Internet Tablet talk had some speculation on this last fall.

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