Conferences this spring

While last autumn was more quiet, this spring seems to have a number of events that I'm going to:
- Feb 15th - 17th: Midgard developer meeting in Linköping, Sweden. Lots of hacking and talking about Midgard 2 and MidCOM 3
- Feb 22nd - 24th: FOSDEM in Brussels, Belgium. I'm going for Open Business Organisations of Europe (OBOOE) meeting on behalf of COSS and Jerry will give a lighting talk on Ajatus
- Apr 11th - 12th: Helsinki Media Conference in Helsinki, Finland. I will be talking about attention profiling.
- Apr 17th - 19th: FISL 9.0 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. I will be talking about GeoClue
- Jun 3rd: ServOSS seminar in Helsinki, Finland. I will be talking about interaction between a company and a free software community
Looking forward to meeting many of you in these events! The July conferences of GUADEC in Istanbul and State of the Map in Limerick sound interesting as well.
It is possible to follow my movements through Dopplr: