Setting Adium status from a microsummary

Firefox 2 provides an useful feature called Microsummaries. Microsummaries enable users' bookmark labels to get automatically updated based on data on the site. This site provides my Plazes location and latest Twitter message as a microsummary:
Before this I've been using a script to populate my Plazes location to the Adium instant messaging status, but now I though the combination of position and status would be better here too. So I whipped up this quick AppleScript:
-- Bergie's blog summary updater -- It reads the microsummary of a web page via Lynx and -- then sets it as the Adium status line -- Set the URL of your Microsummary page here set summaryUrl to "" set microSummary to do shell script "/opt/local/bin/lynx -width 500 -dump " & summaryUrl & "|iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8" set locationSummary to findAndReplace("Henri Bergius, in ", "", microSummary) tell application "Adium" set my status message to locationSummary end tell on findAndReplace(tofind, toreplace, TheString) set ditd to text item delimiters set res to missing value set text item delimiters to tofind repeat with tis in text items of TheString if res is missing value then set res to tis else set res to res & toreplace & tis end if end repeat set text item delimiters to ditd return res end findAndReplace
I set this to be run when I connect, and here are the results: