Synchronization and the Free Software Desktop in GUADEC

We held the Feeds, Synchronization and the Free Software Desktop talk with Tigert today. Despite the Fluendo party the night before, there was a quite good crowd in the old Museu Balaguer library.
The key ideas from the talk were:
- Applications should synchronize with their corresponding social web services
- Synchronization with Web 2.0 would solve both easy information sharing and backups
- Native apps are still more usable than web sites and provide off-line support
As a tangent we discussed also integrating “where” into the desktop:
- Adding location information into the desktop would enable lots of new services
- Location should be a centralized service in the desktop
- There should be multiple sources of position: GPS, Plazes, manually entered, …
Same ideas would also work on 770.
You can download the slides here: guadec-feeds-2006-06-27.pdf (776KB PDF)
In the other news, due to the big badge swap of last night, I’m currently carrying the identity of Chema Casanova.