Ragnaland is coming

Just a little teaser before we all head out to countryside for the midsummer weekend:
Yes, you're seeing the software versions right. The screenshot is from the "About Midgard" screen of Ragnaland, a hybrid setup of Midgard's MidCOM MVC framework from Midgard1 (MidCOM 8.09) and Midgard2 running in an App Builder instance (Midgard 9.09).
Still requires some tweaking and bug fixes, but consider the possibilities:
- Ragnaroek sites running on truly legacy-free Midgard codebase, with other databases than MySQL
- Midgard1 and Midgard2 sites coexisting in same installation and database
- Applications like OpenPSA that you can install and run like any OS X .app, thanks to App Builder