Off to OSCOM4

Today will be filled with arrangement practicalities, and the actual conference starts tomorrow at 9:15 am.
All the previous OSCOM events I've attended have been fun, and I'm expecting an interesting three days filled with discussion, new CMS ideas, and quite a few presentations.
Despite the early departure the flights went without incident, and I had time to read some new RFPs and get started on the time-based release plan mRFC for Midgard. I was online in the Wyona office already before 11am.
Today was spent mostly by writing a new Wiki component, for MidCOM. It will be used as a collective notepad by both OSCOM 4 and Linux Greenhouse people in upcoming events. So far the Wiki is very simplistic but should still fit the requirements. OSCOM's Wiki is already online.
I will be staying during the conference in Michi's place. This place is becoming a geek camp with more than five more people staying here after tomorrow. Now I'm trying to follow a Spanish conversation about Apache Lenya and CSS naming conventions.