Minor site updates

Another small-scale update to the site.
Ok, we’ve survived the Y2K hassle without problems, and now I can hopefully again focus on also other things besides my work.
To mark this, I decided to update my site slightly. I added a picture of myself to the background of the pages, a paragraph or two to the personal info section.
Lately I’ve received many requests from the media and various Internet companies for information, related to my involvement with The Midgard Project. As an answer to that I guess I have to add more stuff about myself here. At least some pictures and a CV of sorts would probably help.
Before that, there is only the background picture and a small passport-style photo available. When I get some colour pictures, I’ll be sure to post them.
By the way, I didn’t have time to test the background picture properly with other browsers than Netscape 4.x for Linux. If it causes problems on some platform, let me know.
Oh, and there are three photos from the Midgard Workshop held in Helsinki, Finland last October available here.