Help testing the OpenPSA business suite

OpenPSA is an web-based management suite for consulting companies. The GPLd suite includes functionalities like calendaring and contact management, product configurations, sales processes, project management and invoicing. The application was originally developed by Nemein but since 2008 has seen excellent maintenance work by the Content Control team.
As a result of last weekend's Midgard developer meeting in FSCONS, the OpenPSA suite has now been packaged for Debian and Ubuntu. Ubuntu users can easily test the package with:
$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:midgard/ratatoskr $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install openpsa2
After this, the OpenPSA suite should be running on your machine in http://localhost/openpsa2. Default user account is admin / password.
You can also check out the project on GitHub. Please add your issues and ideas there!