Pictures from Pamplona

We went there in 2001 to attend the bull run festival held there every July. It was odd to see from Rodrigo's photos how empty and sleepy the city looks like outside the San Fermin festival.
Our interrail trip through Europe to the festival was one of the really good ones. We slept mostly in parks, and had lots of interesting discussions with strangers over beer. We even got thrown out of train couple of times, and crossed the Pyrenees in moonlight in a taxi, with Moonspell's Wolfheart playing.
A short-cut on the trip took us from Copenhagen's Christiania to Linz, Austria and to Verona. When finally in Pamplona most of our gear was stolen in the first night as we were sleeping outside near the back wall of the bull fight arena.
Losing our luggage was not really a big deal, and so the trip continued with less to carry. However, we learned the very useful Spanish phrase "Los ladrones cogieron mis calzoncillos" (the thieves stole my underwear).
After running with the bulls on two mornings, and spending several days in the intense festivities of Pamplona, we travelled to the small city of Plasencia, Extramadura to meet the local Korean martial arts teacher.
I have some pictures from the trip on my site.